• PAP Smear collection

    PROCEDURE The collection of a Pap smear involves obtaining a sample of cells from the cervix for examination under a microscope. This procedure is crucial for the early detection of cervical cancer and abnormalities in cervical cells. Here is a step-by-step guide to the Pap smear collection procedure: 1. Preparation: 2. Positioning: 3. Speculum Insertion:…

  • Preparing for a PAP smear

    Things patient should be aware of: Before undergoing a Pap smear, there are several considerations and prerequisites that both healthcare providers and individuals should be aware of. These factors ensure the effectiveness and accuracy of the test and help guide appropriate follow-up actions. Here are some prerequisites for a Pap smear: Before scheduling a Pap…



  • Unveiling the Mysteries: The MGG Staining Technique in Cellular Diagnosis

    Exploring the MGG Stain: From Technique to Insightful Diagnosis In the world of cellular diagnostics, the May-Grünwald-Giemsa (MGG) staining technique emerges as a powerful tool, offering a colorful journey into the microscopic universe. This staining method, named after its pioneering developers, allows scientists and pathologists to unravel the intricacies of cellular morphology, aiding in the…

  • Histopathology

    Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) Staining Procedure: Materials: Procedure: Deparaffinization: Immerse slides in xylene or a xylene substitute to remove the paraffin from the tissue sections. Repeat the process until the sections are clear. Rehydration: Gradually rehydrate the tissue sections by passing them through a series of alcohol solutions (absolute alcohol, 95%, and 70%). Hematoxylin Staining:…

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